testing was a drag today honestly didnt do the best i could of but HEY! what can you do>?
so yeah let me tell you about my weekend. it was the wieredest but then again okay weekend.
first of all on FRIDAY i went to meet up with a kidd i mett on myspace name SETH (changing names.] well yeah hes pretty much a cool dude minus the agressiveness which he SAYS its from me being distracted watching suite life of zach & cody well i CANT help it ! it was a good episodeee!
so yea saturday was one of those fcking RAINNG days where all i wanted to do was SLEEP SLEEP and most importantly: SLEEPP! which i eventually did to a point becuase SETH couldnt let me sleep ! its okay though it was sweeet of him to keep me up all day.!
but yeah anyways on sunday! which was YESTURDAY! was an AWSOME and bittersweet day ;)
- after i got my lazy ass downstairs to the kitchen i made some mangu with salami ! (mmm good i know! ;) ]
- shower, changed, dressed, out to go visit my moms sisters working buddy who had a pipi problem and got an operation for it lmao!
- saw the ending of drag me to hell -my honest opnion?-not a bad ending was kinda clever. she DOES end up dragged to hell. hehe
- decided i was STARVING! so i ended up going to get some chinese since i had $$$.
- retarded dumbass of jayson(old friend ; aka operated woman son!.) decided to tag along just for me to buy him a WING . (the niggah thinks im rich?!)
- then like the AWSOME bitch that i am ;) make him order the chinese food when we get there, noticing this aa man says to jayson "HEY?! man up son, dnt let the gurl be like that. how much money you need?"
- i was DUMBSTRUCK! becuase
a. he thought we was together
b. he jus gave money to Jayson to buy chinese food
c. i jus saved a dollar! :D
8. so me and jayson sat there eating chinese food laughing at the fact we went to buy chinese for one ended up buying chinese for 2 !
9. after leaving his house and headed for home i gott a suprise visit from my old friend freddy. (changing names again ;) and he came to my house for a lilo and ended up having a great time =]
i truly did miss him .
10. then i fininish texting freddy at 1147pm ended waking up randomly at 220 and talked to him till 500 in the MORNING hard to belive im still AWAKE typing this as am in a state of NUMBNESS im extremly EXHAUSTED. im going home STRAIGHT to BED.
and that is the end to an awsome but okay weekened =]